
The 75th Annual Meeting
on Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Purpose of
Annual Meeting

Each year AODFCU holds an Annual Meeting of its membership. During the meeting we highlight our accomplishments over the past year; present our Annual Report, which includes our financial statements; report on our election results for the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee. For Virtual Attendees, registration information is below. If you are attending virtually, you must register in advance. In-Person attendees do not need to register.


Virtual Attendees Only
Register Now for the Annual Meeting

Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the webinar.

*In-Person attendees do not need to register.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will there be a physical meeting location?

Yes, our Annual Meeting will be held in-person AND virtually this year. In-person location will be at the Oxford Civic Center.  401 McCullars Ln. Oxford, AL 36203

Do I need to Register for the Annual Meeting?

Yes, for virtual only. To ensure our virtual Annual Meeting provides the best experience for those attending, we ask that you register to receive direct links and information to access our secure Zoom Virtual Meeting Space. 

Your registration confirmation email will not come immediately after you submit your Annual Meeting registration. We will confirm meeting registrations before email is sent.

  • If coming In-Person you do not need to register.
What is Zoom?

Zoom is a video virtual platform that allows individuals to connect using audio and video.

Do I have to purchase or download anything?

There is no Zoom software purchase necessary to participate in the Annual Meeting and you do not need to create an account with Zoom to participate.

What type of device do I need in order to participate in the virtual Annual Meeting?

Your registration confirmation will include instructions on joining the meeting using a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android device, and telephone (landline or cellphone). Using a computer, tablet, or smartphone with Zoom will allow you to see and hear the Annual Meeting. Members choosing to only dial in by phone (landline or cellphone) will not be able to see the meeting video feed or have access to all participation options offered through Zoom.

What time should I sign on to attend the virtual Annual Meeting?

Please join at least 5 minutes early to ensure volume and internet connection are clear.

  • If this is your first time attending a Zoom Virtual Meeting event, you can test your connection prior to attending the Annual Meeting here:
  • For an overview of joining and participating in the Annual Meeting via the Zoom platform, click here
Information regarding voting on the nominations to the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee.

The 2022 election will not be conducted by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor since there was only one nominee for each position to be filled. 

What if I have trouble signing on and attending the Annual Meeting?

In the event of technical difficulties, please contact Zoom Support here:

Will there be door prizes or giveaways at the In-Person & Virtual Annual Meeting?

There will be door prizes or giveaways during this year’s Annual Meeting for in person only. 

Will there be refreshments served at the in-person Annual Meeting?

Yes, there will be refreshments served at the in-person Annual Meeting. Refreshments will be served in individual containers.