Financial Tips: Cyber Crime

We have tips on how to protect yourself and stay alert against cyber crime.
Cyber crime includes more than fraudulent e-mail messages and fake websites that allow criminals to take your money. A cyber crime may involve tactics using ransomware, where criminals lock you out of your files until they receive a ransom, or phony phone calls, such as criminals pretending to represent a tech support company so they can get your information.
Protect yourself from a range of cyber crimes by taking these precautions:
🔐 Use a firewall to protect your computer.
🔐 Encrypt your home Wi-Fi network.
🔐 Back up your files regularly.
🔐 Create strong passwords and share them only when necessary.
🔐 Don’t respond to spam e-mails.
🔐 Download with caution.
🔐 Monitor your financial accounts regularly for fraudulent activity.
🔐 Don’t visit suspicious websites or follow links to sources you don’t trust.
🔐 Keep your computer current by updating antivirus software, antispyware, operating system, and system patches.
🔐 Don’t share your personal information with sources you don’t trust, especially pop-ups.
🔐 Have different passwords for work related and non-work related accounts.
🔐 When you’re not using your computer, turn it off.
🔐 Don’t give control of your computer to an unauthorized third party.

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