Financial Tips: Youth & Saving Money

Leading our youth to long-term financial success!

1️⃣ Develop healthy financial habits early. Long-term healthy money habits begin to develop in childhood, as early as preschool.

2️⃣ Create opportunities to save regularly. For example, some branches look very similar to an actual credit union branch with equipment and technology to open accounts, as well as make deposits and withdraws. Other in-school branches may not allow for real-time deposits. Instead, a member of the credit union staff often along with student volunteers, set-up in a common area of the school like the cafeteria to accept deposits that are taken back to a branch for processing.

3️⃣ Take a hands-on approach. Students are often selected as volunteers or hired by the credit union to help support the program. Students who are selected to work at in-school credit union branches gain valuable job skills by, serving as tellers, bookkeepers, computer operators, branch managers, or marketing managers. In addition, students learn about confidentiality, professionalism, behavior in a business environment, and the importance of good communication skills. Students also receive financial education training to provide peer-to-peer financial education in the classroom or during financial literacy workshops before or after school.

4️⃣ Benefits beyond money. Children with savings have greater expectations for education beyond high school.

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