Report Card Rewards

AOD Federal Credit Union is taking steps to ensure that being a youth member is more rewarding than ever before. AODFCU believes in investing in the future of youth members, and will reward hard work and excellence in school not only through the scholarship program, but also with Report Card Rewards. All youth members, grades K-12, will be eligible to have money deposited into his or her savings account for receiving a great report card!

  • Students may earn the following rewards for each grade on their report card:
    • $2.00 for every “A” grade
    • $1.00 for every “B” grade
    • $0.50 for every “C” grade
  • Students may submit a copy of their report card by visiting the office nearest them. Be sure to include your name, account number, and address on your report card when submitting a copy to the credit union.
  • Report Cards will be accepted for the most recent grading period only. Progress reports are not eligible.
  • AODFCU will reward grades from core academic courses only.
  • Certain restrictions may apply1.
1Membership required. Members may earn $2.00 for every “A” grade on a report card, $1.00 for every “B” grade on a report card and $0.50 for every “C” grade on a report card. Report card rewards can only be redeemed in person at a branch during normal business hours. Report Cards will be accepted for the most recent grading period only. Progress reports not eligible. The credit union will accept report cards issued by public or private schools. Home-schooled students must present a copy of their report card submitted to a Board of Education. Rewards will be deposited into the member’s savings account within two business days. AODFCU will reward grades from core academic courses only. Certain restrictions may apply.

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