Tips for Success

AODFCU’s “Tips for Success”

  • Slow down your spending. Leave extra cash at home, don’t buy on impulse, and don’t borrow from friends or get advances on your paycheck.
  • Start the savings habit. It is recommended that adults save at least 10% of their before-tax income, but it is important to pick a dollar amount you can realistically save each month and stick to it.
  • Look at savings as paying yourself first. Every time you get your paycheck save a portion of it. Increase the amount you save every time you get a raise or pay off a loan.
  • Save automatically. When you have a job, you can do this easily by taking advantage of direct deposit at AODFCU.
  • Have an emergency fund. If you have a car or other financial responsibilities, you’ll need an extra cushion of savings to cover unexpected emergencies, such as car repairs.

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